- Manuscripts, Italian--15th century1
- Manuscripts, Oriental1
- Maqṣad al-jalīl fī ʻilm al-Khalīl (Ibn al-Ḥājib, ʻUthmān ibn ʻUmar)1
- Martini, Luca,--1980-1
- Materia medica1
- Mathematical recreations1
- Medical astrology1
- Medicinal plants1
- Medicine, Ayurvedic--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions1
- Mediterranean Region1
- Meteorology1
- Monasticism and religious orders--Rules1
- Mukhtaṣar al-maʻānī (Taftāzānī, Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar)1
- Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah (Jighmīnī, Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad)1
- Music, Greek and Roman1
- Music--Philosophy and aesthetics1
- Muslims1
- Muslims--Biography1
- Muslims--Conduct of life1
- Mysticism--Islam1