- Arrigucci, Luigi1
- Art1
- Artillery1
- Ashbāh wa-al-naẓāʼir (Ibn Nujaym, Zayn al-Dīn ibn Ibrāhīm)1
- Astrolabes5
- Astrology5
- Astrology, Arab7
- Astronomical instruments2
- Astronomy5
- Astronomy, Arab9
- Atlases (Geographic)6
- Auction copies1
- Aurangzeb, Emperor of Hindustan, 1618-17071
- Austria1
- Authors, Classical18
- Autographs2
- Awḍaḥ al-masālik ilá Alfīyat Ibn Mālik (Ibn Hishām, ʻAbd Allāh ibn Yūsuf)1
- Azharī, Khālid ibn ʻAbd Allāh, d. 1499. Muwaṣṣil al-ṭullāb ilá Qawāʻid al-iʻrāb1
- Bahnasī, ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ibn al-ḥasan, d. 1286 or 7. Naẓm Muthallath Quṭrub1
- Banks and banking1