- Muṭarrizī, Nāṣir ibn ʻAbd al-Sayyid, 1144-1213. Miṣbāḥ1
- Muḥammad, Prophet, -6321
- Nineteenth century1
- Pens1
- Philippines1
- Pigskin bindings1
- Poliziano, Angelo, 1454-14941
- Problems and exercises1
- Qarahʹtabahʹlī, Ḥusayn ibn Muṣṭafá, -1777 or 1778. Sharḥ Risālat al-istiʻārah1
- Quarter bindings1
- Quotations1
- Qurʼan1
- Qūshjī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, -1474 or 1475. Sharḥ al-Waḍʻīyah1
- Remboîtage1
- Resurrection (Islam)1
- Rhetoric (Aristotle)1
- Rhetoric, Ancient1
- Rhetoric--Study and teaching1
- Risālah al-waḍʻīyah (Ījī, ʻAḍud al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Aḥmad)1
- Romances, Latin (Medieval and modern)1