- Catholic Church. Curia Romana2
- Catholic Church. Diocese of Pistoia (Italy)2
- Cecco, Antonio1
- Ceccoli, Baldo1
- Ceccoli, Bartolo1
- Celleri, Azzo1
- Celleri, Fabrizio1
- Celleri, Ippolita1
- Centerpiece and cornerpiece bindings1
- Certano, Daina di1
- Chained bindings2
- Chants1
- Charity1
- Charlemagne, Emperor, 742-81420
- Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-15581
- Charles VIII, King of France, 1470-14981
- Charters2
- Charts, diagrams, etc.1
- Chellini, Bartolomeo1
- Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista (Gradara, Italy)1