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- Abbaye aux Dames (Caen, France)--History--Sources1
- Anthony, of Padua, Saint, 1195-1231--Prayers and devotions1
- Aristotle1
- Benedictines--Rules1
- Bible1
- Bible. Daniel--Latin--Manuscripts1
- Bible. Galatians--Latin--Commentaries--Early works to 18001
- Bible. Judges--Manuscripts1
- Bible. Luke--Manuscripts--Specimens1
- Bible. Ruth--Manuscripts1
- Bible. Tobit--Selections1
- Books of hours3
- Bulls, Papal1
- Caesarius, of Arles, Saint, 470?-542--Sermons--Selections1
- Canon law1
- Catholic Church6
- Catholic Church--History--Sources1
- Catholic Church--Liturgy--Calendar1
- Catholic Church. Missal1
- Charles VI, King of France, 1368-1422--Sources1