- Bible. Ecclesiastes1
- Bible. Epistles1
- Bible. Epistles of Paul1
- Bible. Job1
- Bible. Mark1
- Book of hours (Catholic Church)1
- Botany, Medical1
- Bowyer, William1
- Breviary (Catholic Church)1
- Brutus, Marcus Junius, 85 B.C.?-42 B.C.1
- Brutus, the Trojan (Legendary character)1
- Burlaeus, Gualterus, 1275-1345?1
- Canon law--Interpretation and construction1
- Cardinals1
- Cathedral bindings1
- Catherine, of Siena, Saint, 1347-13801
- Catholic Church. Archdeaconry of London (England)1
- Central America1
- Chaucer, Geoffrey, -14001
- Chess1