- Arithmetic1
- Baḥraq, Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar, 1465-1524. ʻUrwah al-wathīqah1
- Balāṭunusī, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 1395 or 1396-1459. Mukhtaṣar Minhāj al-ʻābidīn1
- Battle of Karbalāʼ (Karbalāʼ, Iraq : 680)1
- Bible1
- Bible. Prophets1
- Bible. Prophets--Criticism, interpretation, etc--Early works to 18001
- Bibliographies1
- Bio-bibliography1
- Blind tooled bindings (Binding)1
- Būstān (Saʻdī)1
- Caliphate1
- Cloth bindings (Binding)1
- Coran--Critique, interprétation, etc--Ouvrages avant 18001
- Correspondence1
- Correspondence (Namık Kemal)1
- Dead--Religious aspects--Islam1
- Death--Religious aspects--Islam1
- Debates and debating--Religious aspects1
- Debates and debating--Religious aspects--Islam1