- Genealogical tables1
- Geomancy1
- German language1
- Gervasius, Saint and Martyr1
- Gospel books1
- Greco-Turkish War (1897)1
- Greece--Chios (Municipality)1
- Greece--Peloponnesus (Peninsula)1
- Hadith (Shiites)1
- Hadith--Criticism, interpretation, etc--Early works to 18001
- Hadith--Texts1
- Hotaki, Mir Mahmud, d. 17251
- Ibn Malak, ʻAbd al-Laṭīf ibn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz. Mabāriq al-azʹhār fī sharḥ Mashāriq al-anwār1
- Ibn Zaydūn, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh, 1003 or 1004-1071. Risālah al-hazalīyah1
- Ibn al-Sāʻātī, Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī, 1254-1294 or 1295. Majmaʻ al-baḥrayn1
- Ibn Ṭūlūn, Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī, 1475-15461
- Illumination of books and manuscripts1
- Inheritance and succession (Islamic law)1
- Inscriptions1
- Insertions (Provenance)1