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- 1618-17631
- Ana, Queen, consort of Philip II, King of Spain, 1549-15801
- Armorial bindings1
- Austria1
- Batista de Lanuza y Tafalla, Miguel, -1659. Vida de la venerable Madre Geronima de San Estevan1
- Batista de Lanuza y Tafalla, Miguel, -1659. Vida de la venerable madre Feliciana de San Ioseph1
- Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. Teatrum orbis terrarum1
- Blaise, Saint, -approximately 3161
- Bookbinding1
- Bookplates1
- Books of hours1
- Booksellers' copies1
- Bouchet, Jean, 1476-approximately 1558. Balade moralle contre les aveuglez mondainsi1
- California--Berkeley5
- Caro, Ana1
- Caroline minuscule1
- Catholic Church3
- Christian life2
- Christine, de Pisan, approximately 1364-approximately 1431. Enseignemens moraux1
- Commentaries1