- Aldobrandini, Giovanni degli1
- Alessandri, Alessandro degli1
- Alessandri, Bartolomeo degli2
- Alessandri, Niccolò degli1
- Alessandri, Piero degli9
- Alessandri, Pietro degli2
- Alessandro, Pietro di1
- Alexander, the Great, 356 B.C.-323 B.C--Romances2
- Alexander, the Great, 356 B.C.-323 B.C.7
- Alexius, Saint1
- Alfonso V, King of Aragon, 1396-14581
- Alfīyah (Ibn Mālik, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh)14
- Alfīyat al-ʻIrāqī (ʻIrāqī, ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ibn al-Ḥusayn)2
- Algebra2
- Alimony (Islamic law)1
- Allegories1
- Allegory1
- Almagest (Ptolemy)1
- Almanach perpetuum celestium motuum (Zacuto, Abraham ben Samuel)1
- Almanacs1