- Autographs1
- Codices1
- Fever1
- Fever--Treatment1
- Finzi family1
- Galen1
- Ibn al-Nafīs, ʻAlī ibn Abī al-Ḥazm, 1210 or 1211-1288. Mūjiz1
- Ibn al-Nafīs, ʻAlī ibn Abī al-Ḥazm, 1210 or 1211-1288. Mūjiz al-Qānūn1
- Italy1
- Italy--Sicily1
- Joseph (Son of Jacob)1
- Manuscripts, Judeo-Arabic1
- Manuscripts, Samaritan1
- New Jersey--Princeton1
- Portaleone, Abraham ben David, 1542-16121
- Sources1
- Stamps1
- Surgery1
- Surgical instruments and apparatus1
- Toxicology1