Former Owner
- Benoît Le Court1
- Bentley Lyonel John Tollemache, 3rd Baron Tollemache1
- Bergendal Collection1
- Bern Dibner1
- Bernard Halliday1
- Bernard M. Rosenthal27
- Bernard Quaritch2
- Bernard Quaritch Ltd22
- Bernard Rosenthal1
- Bernardi1
- Bernardo Bembo1
- Bernardo Mendel1
- Bernardus de Pedio1
- Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham36
- Bertram Ashburnham, 5th Earl of Ashburnham1
- Bertram Dobell2
- Bertrand de Chalençon1
- Bet din tsedeḳ London ṿeha-medinah3
- Betty Freudenheim1
- Beverly Chew4