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Former Owner
- Anthelme-Michel-Laurent de Migieu, marquis de Savigny1
- Antoine de Court1
- Antonio Cánovas del Castillo1
- Aḥmad ibn Mubārak Luṭf Allāh1
- Baldassarre Boncompagni2
- Benoît Le Court1
- Bernard M. Rosenthal1
- Budapest University of Jewish Studies1
- Burg Kreuzenstein1
- Burndy Library1
- Charles F. Gunther1
- Charles Singer1
- Count Johann Nepomuk Wilczek1
- David Eugene Smith10
- David Solomon Sassoon2
- Edward E. Ayer1
- Ermolao Barbaro1
- Francesco Rolandi1
- Frank W. Gunsaulus1
- Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford1