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Former Owner
- John Rolls, 1st Baron Llangattock3
- Gail Fischmann2
- John Frederick Lewis2
- Leonello d'Este, Marquis of Ferrara2
- Milton Fischmann2
- Anne Baker Lewis1
- Bernard Quaritch Ltd1
- Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham1
- Coella Lindsay Ricketts1
- Domenico Grimani1
- Ercole Silva1
- Francesco Alunno1
- Francisco Carbicei1
- Gerard of Csanád1
- Giuseppe Antonelli1
- Howard Lehman Goodhart1
- John Rolls, 2nd Baron Llangattock1
- Joseph Barrois1
- Marie-Caroline of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duchess of Berry1
- Marino Grimani1