Former Owner
- Edward E. Ayer3
- Gail Fischmann3
- Homer Lewis Bartlett3
- Joaquín García Icazbalceta3
- José Fernando Ramírez3
- Karen L. Gould3
- Maggs Bros Ltd3
- Manuel Fernández del Castillo3
- Milton Fischmann3
- Richard Heber3
- William Bragge3
- by 1902, he was second vice-president of the Eastern District Savings Bank. De Ricci states that the collection (of 101 fragments with 70 others laid into the album) was given to NYU in 1884 (the same year in which Homer L. Bartlett graduated).3
- Abbey Rents Inc.2
- Alfred Henry Huth2
- Arenburg2
- Charles Eliot Norton2
- Charles Sumner2
- David Weinglass2
- Edwin Parsons & Sons2
- Henry Spelman2