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Former Owner
- Adam Clarke1
- Akbar1
- Alan Noel Latimer Munby1
- Albert C. Baugh9
- Alexandre de Keller1
- Antoine Joseph Rérolle1
- Antoine de Court1
- Antonio de Bonius1
- Arnold Jansen op de Haar1
- Arthur Kay1
- Austin, Jehan1
- Baldassarre Boncompagni1
- Baptist Union Theological Seminary1
- Bartolomeo di Larione Martelli1
- Battista di Ser Cicco di Fermo1
- Benoît Le Court1
- Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham2
- Bet din tsedeḳ London ṿeha-medinah3
- Boies Penrose1
- Budapest University of Jewish Studies1