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Former Owner
- Henry Probasco2
- Sydney Cockerell2
- Abbot Raphael of Czerwinsk1
- Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham1
- Biblioteka Tulezynska1
- Eduard von Sigmundt1
- Enluminures1
- Ernst F. Detterer1
- Gail Fischmann1
- Harrison Gray Otis1
- Heinrich Eisemann1
- Hellmut Albert Feisenberger1
- John Rolls, 1st Baron Llangattock1
- Joseph Barrois1
- Leonello d'Este, Marquis of Ferrara1
- Milton Fischmann1
- Paul Riant1
- Robert Hoe III1
- Rudolf Busch1
- Thomas Gage1