The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, mssHM 1029
- DS ID:
- DS9911
- Shelfmark:
- mssHM 1029
- Title:
- Vita Bruti
- Author:
- Plutarch
- Scribe:
- Guarino, Veronese, 1374-1460
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between 1440 and 1460
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- paper
- Physical Description:
- Extent: ff. 24 : paper ; 200 x 275 mm
- Former Owner(s):
- Drury, Henry, 1778-1841
Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872
- Note:
- Title supplied by cataloger.
Support: Paper.
Script: Cursive with some humanistic features.
Layout: 1-212. Catchword in center lower margin. 36 long lines in quire 1, 34 in quire 2; horizontal rules in ink, vertical double bounding lines in lead; the written space placed towards the center of the page with 45-50 mm. margins at either side.
Span folios: ff. 1-24v.
Other Decoration: 5-line plain initial in the ink of the text, f. 1, followed by the first line in display capitals; pale red-brown rubrics on f. 1, on the last note on f. 23v and the note on f. 24v. Notes added on f. 23v in a humanistic script are: Omnia prius experiri consilio quam armis sapientem decet et cetera; Vincat honestas commoda propria et iustitia ac leges humanos coherceant...
Acknowledgments: We thank Dr. A. C. de la Mare for kindly identifying the person who added notes in the margins.
Assigned Date: s. XVmed.
Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/30/2012.
Written in Italy in the mid-fifteenth century; it possibly once also included a Life of Alexander. Belonged to the Rev. Henry Drury (1778-1841), with his signature in the upper right hand corner of the first flyleaf; his sale, London, 19 February 1827, n. 3464 to Sir Thomas Phillipps. Phillipps n. 3377 and his pressmark on the front pastedown; Phillipps sale, Sotheby's, 10 June 1896, n. 959 to... - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
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