The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, mssHM 129
- DS ID:
- DS9870
- Shelfmark:
- mssHM 129
- Title:
- Northern homily cycle
- Place:
- Ireland
- Date:
- between 1400 and 1415
- Language:
- Middle English
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Extent: ff. 231 : parchment ; 145 x 217 mm
- Former Owner(s):
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872
- Note:
- Title from printed catalog
Support: Parchment.
Script: Anglicana formata.
Layout: 1-48 5-612 7-118 1212 138 14-1512 16-1710 1812 19-218 2212 23-248 258(-8). Catchwords in inside lower margin, enclosed in red ink frames, except for 3 in brown ink frames (f. 108v, end of quire 12; f. 128v, end of quire 14; f. 140v, end of quire 15). 38 to 52 long lines, frame ruled on 3 sides in plummet, or occasionally in ink; slash prick marks at 4 corners of text frame.
Span folios: ff. 1-231v.
Other Decoration: Rough drawings in red ink placed at the beginning of texts on ff. 1, 207, 213v, 218; in black ink, on f. i a rough drawing of a lion (?) and on f. 231 an initial (?). Rubrics for the feast in red, or filled in red in left margin or at head of page; New Testament verses filled with red. Each text beginning with "narracio" or "relacio" has a red ink hand with sleeve (e.g. ff...
The scribe signed his name on f. 202 (W. K. or W. R.?) and on f. 231 (William Kame or Thame?).
Assigned Date: s. XVin.
Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/14/2012.
Written in Ireland, given the spelling forms of the scribe; see M. Benskin and A. McIntosh, "A Mediaeval English Manuscript of Irish Provenance," Medium Aevum 41 (1972) 128-31, and A. McIntosh, "Some Words in the Northern Homily Collection," Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 73 (1972) 196-208. On f. 231v, a series of cancelled notes in a fifteenth century hand, of which the last appears to read... - Keyword:
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