The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, mssHM 55
- DS ID:
- DS9852
- Shelfmark:
- mssHM 55
- Title:
- Life of St. Norbert
- Author:
- Capgrave, John, 1393-1464
- Scribe:
- Capgrave, John, 1393-1464
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- 1440
- Language:
- Middle English, Breviary fragment is in Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Extent: ff. 59 : parchment.
- Former Owner(s):
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872
- Note:
- Title supplied by cataloger.
Support: Parchment.
Described in two parts. Part 1 is the main text, the Life of St. Norbert by John Capgrave and Part 2 is an unfinished leaf of a Breviary, formerly used as the back pastedown.
Part 1. Span folios: ff. 1-59v. Script: Secretary. Layout: 1-78 84(-4); the inner bifolium of quire 6 has been reversed in binding, transposing ff. 44 and 45. Catchwords horizontally in the right corner on ff. 16v, 24v, 32v (underlined in red), 40v. 35 lines of verse ruled in lead; another rule across the upper margin 10 mm. above the text frame; pricking visible in upper and lower margins.
Part 1. Decoration: Opening historiated initial for the prologue, f. 1, 14-line, in pink outlined in gold, depicting Capgrave in black robes kneeling and offering his book to Wygenhale who wears the white habit of the Premonstratensians; gold and color bar border the length of the text with sprays into the upper and lower margins of self shaded blue and pink leaves ending in small green leaves...
Part 1. Other Decoration: Opening initial for the text, f. 2, 4-line, in gold on white-patterned blue ground with pink infilling, with small marginal spray of green leaves, daisies and gold dots; in the upper margin a pen outline of the initial. 2-line blue initials with red flourishing.
Part 1. Finding notes in another hand (e.g. ff. 21, 22, 23v); early seventeenth century reckonings on ff. 7v, 14v, 51v (in another hand?) and 57.
Part 2. Span folios: f. i recto-verso. Formerly the back pastedown, now lifted. Assigned Date: s. XV2/4. Script: Gothic. Layout: 2 columns of 46 lines ruled in ink, top and bottom 2 lines full across. Assigned Date: s. XV.
Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 3/4/2012.
Written in England, possibly in the Augustinian house at Lynn, Norfolk in 1440, as the presentation copy made by John Capgrave for John Wygenhale, alias Saresson, abbot of the Premonstratensian house of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in West Dereham, Norfolk from 1429 to 1455; see P. J. Lucas, "On the Date of John Capgrave's Life of St. Norbert," The Library ser. 6, vol. 3 (1981... - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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