The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, mssHM 1049
- DS ID:
- DS9747
- Shelfmark:
- mssHM 1049
- Title:
- Breviary, for Dominican use
- Author:
- Catholic Church
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- between 1440 and 1460
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Extent: ff. ii + 171 + i + ii : parchment ; 109 x 153 mm
- Note:
- Title from printed catalog.
Support: Parchment.
Script: Gothic.
Layout: 18(-1, 2, 3) 2-208 218(- conjunct leaves 3 and 6, with loss of text) 228. Catchwords in the lower inside corner in a noting hand; quire and leaf signatures, apparently in letters and roman numerals, in the middle of the lower margin, most partly or wholly trimmed away; the fifth leaf in several quires has an "x" in the same location; another set of signature marks seems to occur in the...
Erased notes ff. 145v-146.
Assigned Date: s. XVmed.
Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 12/13/2009.
Written possibly in northern France (perhaps Soissons?) for Dominican use, as suggested by the feasts in the sanctorale. "No. 6" in early modern hand (?) on front pastedown. Sold by L. C. Harper in a sale by Anderson, New York, 17 February 1919, n. 647, where it is said to be a "Lectionarium" (sale slip with volume). Acquired by G. D. Smith. Precise date and source of acquisition by Henry E... - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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