The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, mssHM 1248
- DS ID:
- DS9719
- Shelfmark:
- mssHM 1248
- Title:
- Psalter and prayers
- Place:
- Flanders
- Date:
- 1478
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Extent: ff. iii + ii + i + 291 + iii : parchment ; 74 x 110 mm
- Former Owner(s):
- Bixby, William K. 1857-1931
- Note:
- Psalter and prayers written in Flanders and dated 1478 on f. 284v, and perhaps meant for export to England, given the English saints in the calendar; the office of the dead may also have been intended to follow the Sarum liturgical use.
Span folios: ff. 1-291v. Support: Parchment. Layout: Collation for ff. 5-285 (ff. 1-4 and 286-291 are contemporary flyleaves), 1-26 38(+1, f. 17) 48 5-610 72(singletons) 810(+1, f. 56) 92(singletons) 108(+8) 1110 128(through f. 95) 136(+5) 148(+1 and 10, ff. 103 and 112) 156(+1, f. 113; original central bifolium now bound in quire 35 as ff. 270-271) 1616(+17, f. 136) 176(+1, f. 137) 1810...
Decoration: Ten full page illuminations on inserted singletons, blank on the rectos, in semi-grisaille in a style derived from Vrelant, somewhat worn and flaked off. Historiated initials in white-patterned grey on cusped gold grounds with full borders. Major initials, 6- and 5-line, in white-patterned grey on gold grounds with grey and white trilobe leaf infilling; secondary initials, 2- and...
Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 10/18/2009.
On f. 1, the signature "Pedro micault" and a prayer; on ff. 1-5, birth and death notices in Flemish of the Micault family, 1581-1600; places mentioned are Brussels, Mechelen (Malines) and Bruges. On the back flyleaves, ff. 286-288, birth and death notices in French of the Micault family, 1510-1606; places mentioned are Brussels, Utrecht, Rome, Valladolid. Added in a space in the calendar, f... - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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