The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, mssHM 1126
- DS ID:
- DS9667
- Shelfmark:
- mssHM 1126
- Title:
- Book of Hours, use of Amiens
- Author:
- Catholic Church
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- between 1450 and 1499
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Extent: ff. i + 162 + i : parchment ; 146 x 196 mm
- Former Owner(s):
- Hoe, Robert, 1839-1909
- Note:
- Book of Hours written during the second half of the fifteenth century for use in Amiens, presumably for a husband and wife, as suggested by the miniature on f. 155 (the 7 Joys of the Virgin in which the Virgin, enthroned, holds the Child on her lap, while the owners, a man and woman, kneel in prayer, and 2 angels read praises of the Virgin from a scroll).
Span folios: ff. 1-162v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 112 28(+1, f. 13) 36(through f. 27) 4-118 128(+9, f. 100) 138(+5, f. 105, and 10, f. 110) 14-198 206(-5, 6). Catchwords in center lower margin in script of text. Ruled space, 95 x 66 mm; 16 long lines, ruled in pale red ink. Written in two sizes of gothic book hand.
Decoration: Eighteen large miniatures above 4 lines of text in arched compartments with serrated tops. All the miniatures but one are related to the style of Maître François. 4-line initials in white-decorated blue or pink on a gold ground infilled with colored trilobe leaves. 2-and 1-line initials in gold on white-patterned dark pink or blue grounds with infilling of the other color; ribbon...
Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 9/11/2009.
On the front pastedown is the 18th century bookplate of John Ragsdale. Belonged to Robert Hoe: Cat. (1909) p. 53; his sale, Anderson, New York, 1911, pt. I, n. 2132 to G. D. Smith. Precise source and date of acquisition by Henry E. Huntington unknown. - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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