The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, mssHM 81170
- DS ID:
- DS9603
- Shelfmark:
- mssHM 81170
- Title:
- Register Brevium
- Author:
- Nix, Richard, Bishop of Norwich, approximately 1447-1535
- Place:
- London
- Date:
- approximately 1460, and later additions in early 16th c.
- Language:
- Latin, Anglo Norman, and Middle English
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Extent: XXXIV], 410 [i.e. 378] leaves : parchment ; 268 x 180 (165 x 103) mm
- Former Owner(s):
- Nix, Richard, Bishop of Norwich, approximately 1447-1535
Law Society (Great Britain)
- Note:
- Parchment, i (paper) + [XXXIV] + 410 (foliated 140, 142-287, 289-359, 400-410 ) + i (paper). Layout: Quires 1-46 of 8 leaves; quire 47 of 6 leaves; quire 48 of 8 leaves; quire 49 of 6 leaves; + 12 leaves (= 1 quire of 8 leaves, and 1 of 4) inserted after quire 49's leaf 5 (ff. 358, 359, 400-409); the 37 original quires are numbered as "37 quaterni" on ff. ii and 410v. Contemporary foliation in...
Written in England, probably London, in the last quarter of the 15th century, with additions in the early sixteenth century, in an Anglicana script by a number of scribes.
2- to 3-line initials in blue, some with ornate red penwork (on leaves 6r, 7r, 7v, 9r, 15v, 16v, 19v, 41r), mainly in the first third of the text; spaces left for other initials; paragraph marks in red and blue mainly in first half of book; simple line fillers of red penstrokes; some capitals touched in red and opening words underlined in red.
Manuscript was owned by Richard Nix (or Nykke, approximately 1447-1535), the last Catholic Bishop of Norwich: contemporary inscriptions on verso of f. 410, "Liber Ric[ard]i Nykke ep[iscop]i Norwicen[sis]" and along vertical edge between clasps on backboard, "Lib[er] Nyke Norwych". Inscription on verso of last flyleaf: M[emorandu]m that the C[harter] of the confirmacion of the Collegge of... - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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