Indiana University Bloomington, Ricketts 189
- DS ID:
- DS528
- Shelfmark:
- Ricketts 189
- Title:
- Table of Contents
Vitae sanctorum
Incipit vita beati Materni Coloniensis Archiepiscopi
Saints Lives
- Place:
- Germany, Rhineland
- Date:
- s. XIII(2/4); 1225-1250
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Binding: Not bound.
Other decoration, One cutting: Heading in red; very large illuminated initial ‘P’ in plant stem design on a panel ground infilled with burnished gold, 141 mm. by 127 mm., with long descender bringing the full height to 370 mm. The present cutting includes the characteristic Cistercian punctus flexus punctuation.
Script, One cutting: Gothic Textura.
Layout, One cutting: Apparently one column of a 2-column manuscript, ruled in faint plummet for 30 lines, the column 95 mm. wide. - Former Owner(s):
- Bought by C. L. Ricketts from Tregaskis, 1923, and acquired by the Lilly Library with the Ricketts Collection in 1961.
- Note:
- Bibliography: De Ricci 1935, p. 646.
One cutting: The style of illumination with bright warm colors against a gold ground, and little colored petals outlined with white dots on intertwined stems radiating from a central disk, is close to that of the Bible from the Cistercian abbey of Heisterbach, almost certainly illuminated in Cologne, c. 1240, now Berlin, Staatsbibliothek der Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesizt, MS Theol. Lat...
One cutting: Latin.
One Cutting r.: Late medieval table of contents: once comprised lives of saints who were commemorated between 13 September and 14 October: Saints Maternus of Cologne (13 September), Euphemia (16 September), Lambert of Liège (17 September), Matthew (21 September), Maurice (22 September), Jerome (30 September), Remigius of Rheims (1 October), Denis and companions (9 October), Gereon of Cologne...
Cutting v.: Incipit: (Acta Sanctorum 1643, p. 921), chapter 6 of the Vitae Sanctorum Eucharii, Valerii et Materni commonly but probably wrongly ascribed to the twelfth-century monk Goldscher of Trier (BHL 1898–99, no. 2655).
Explicit, Cutting v.: Post discessum beati valerii. - Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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