Indiana University Bloomington, Medieval and Renaissance 15
- DS ID:
- DS526
- Shelfmark:
- Medieval and Renaissance 15
- Title:
- Liber gestorum barlaam et Josaphat
Incipit liber gestorum Barlaam & Iosaphat servorum dei, editus greco sermone a iohanne damasceno
Table of Contents
- Author:
- John of Damascus
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- s. XIII(1); 1200-1250
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Binding: Bound in late nineteenthcentury blind-stamped morocco over wooden boards, signed "DUQUESNE A GAND" inside upper cover, parchment endleaves; in a fawn cloth case.
Other decoration, ff. 1-60; f. 59 and 60 originally blank: Headings in red, small initials in red or blue with penwork in the contrasting colour, 4-line initial on fol. 1r in divided red and blue with penwork in both colors. Concentric rings drawn on fol. 60r with a slight sketch of a crowned king.
Script, ff. 1-60; f. 59 and 60 originally blank: Gothic Textura.
Layout, ff. 1-60; f. 59 and 60 originally blank: Once of approximately 270 leaves, 235 mm. by 164 mm., collation: i–vii8, viii4, with signatures in plummet ‘xxxii’–‘xxxiiii’ at ends of present quires iv–vi; 2 columns, ruled in plummet, 40 lines, 2 columns, each column 180 mm. by 54 mm. with 12 mm. between columns, prickings in both margins, script beginning above top ruled line. - Former Owner(s):
- Franciscan convent of Arras (founded in 1223), with their contemporary inscription on fol. 60v (partly trimmed), "liber iste fratrum minorum Attrebatensis. qui furatus fuerit non absolvatur nisi eis restituat ablatum" and, late thirteenth century,"hic est liber fratrom minorum Attrebati";
signature on fols. 1r and 58v, "De monchaulx", early sixteenth century (perhaps related to Gilles Moncheaulx, who signed Arras, Bibliothèque municipale, ms 728, in 1565); bound in Ghent by François Duquesne (1830-1902); given to the Lilly Library by Mrs. Thelma Sansberry, 1984.
- Note:
- Manuscript note: The ownership inscription on fol. 60v translates, ‘This book belongs to the Friars Minor of Arras: whoever steals it will not be forgiven unless he returns the stolen item to them’.
ff. 1-60; f. 59 and 60 originally blank: Some medieval side notes and list of original contents added on last pages; Medieval scribbles on fol. 59v including A sage home & son Ami.
ff. 1-60; f. 59 and 60 originally blank: Latin.
Incipit, ff. 1r-58v: et ad beatudinem tuam perducere dignare, per ihesum xpistum filium tuum amen.
Explicit, ff. 1r-58v: Cum cepissent monasteria construi.
ff. 59v-60: The "final two pages" of this manuscript include a detailed table of contents listing 25 different texts once bound up together into what was a composite and characteristically Franciscan volume. The list opens with ‘a certain sermon of Master Anselm on Job, addressed to King Henry of England, beginning "Vir erat ", followed by moral sermons, Sentencesof Hugh of St-Victor... - Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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