Indiana University Bloomington, Poole 102
- DS ID:
- DS514
- Shelfmark:
- Poole 102
- Title:
- De duodecim abusionibus saeculi
De rota verae et falsae religionis
Incipit prefatio magistri hugonis in libro de rota vere religionis
- Author:
- Pseudo-Cyprian
Hugh of Fouilloi
- Place:
- England?
- Date:
- s. XII(2); 1150-1199
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Binding: Not bound.
Figurative details, One leaf: Verso with an almost full-page drawing 205 mm. by 73 mm. in ink with colored wash showing an elaborate 12-spoked wheel turned by standing monks on either side, an abbot at the top, a good monk at the bottom, shown as a scholar consulting a book, all in concentric and geometric compartments inscribed in red, blue and dark brown.
Other decoration, One leaf: Headings in red; recto with 2-line initials in red and an 8-line initial ‘S’ in green with flourishing in the same color.
Script, One leaf: Proto-gothic Textura.
Layout, One leaf: 2 columns, ruled in plummet, 40 lines on recto, each column 262 mm. by 75 mm. with 12 mm. between columns, prickings in both margins. - Former Owner(s):
- Bliss sale, Sotheby’s, 21 August 1858, lots 100 and 119, afterwards Phillipps MSS 15659 and 18133; from the collection of specimen leaves formed by Messrs. W. H. Robinson, who bought the residue of the Phillipps library in 1945-46, sold by them to George A. Poole in 1947, and acquired by the Lilly Library with the Poole Collection in 1958.
- Associated Agent(s):
- Hugh of St. Victor, Hugo de Folieto
- Note:
- Manuscript note: To judge from the script and plain ornament, the present manuscript was very probably made in a Cistercian house, doubtless in England. The combination of Pseudo-Cyprian’s De duodecim abusionibus saeculiwith works of Hugh of Fouilloi occurred in a manuscript recorded in the early thirteenth century at the Cistercian abbey of Flaxley, Gloucestershire (Bell 1992, p. 23, no. 49).
Bibliography: Faye and Bond 1962, p. 184.
One leaf: Latin.
One leaf r: folio begins "De duodecim abusionibus saeculi consona voce psalmista…" Migne, PL 4: 880-82. Explicit (compare to de Clerrq 1959, pp. 221-2), followed by table of chapters.
Incipit, One leaf r: Non itaque simus sine Christo in hoc tempore transitorio, ne sine nobis Christus esse incipiat in futuro.
One leaf r-v: Recto starts with the last words of the Pseudo-Cyprian De duodecim abusionibus saeculi "consona voce psalmista” to “in futuro” (Migne, PL 4: 880–82), with the opening of Hugh of Fouilloi “Incipit prefatio magistri hugonis in libro de rota vere religionis, Sicut comperi non est tibi” (de Clercq 1959, pp. 221–22), followed by the table of chapters.
Explicit, One leaf r-v: Sicut comperi non est tibi. - Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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