Indiana University Bloomington, Ricketts 191
- DS ID:
- DS513
- Shelfmark:
- Ricketts 191
- Title:
- Alphabet
De arca Noe morali et mystica
hugonis canonici sancti victoris parisiensis de archa noe pro archa sapientiae cum archa ecclesiae de arch matris gratiae liber primus incipit
Letter to Hugh of St. Victor, refuting Arnulph
Letter to Master William the monk on baptism
Letter to all Christians on the mystery of the incarnation
- Author:
- Hugh of St. Victor
Walter of Mortagne
- Place:
- England?
- Date:
- s. XII(med); 1140-1160
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Binding: Bound in early nineteenth-century mottled calf, red mottled edges, rebacked; in a fawn cloth case.
Figurative details, ff. 1v-48v: 5 very large illuminated initials mostly in branching entwined plant stems and including heads of dragons (10-line on fol. 2r, 9-line on fols. 10r and 25r, 8-line on fol. 34v, but 20 lines high for the initial ‘I’ on fol. 16r).
Other decoration, ff. 1v-48v: Headings in red or lines of colored capitals, 2-line initials throughout in red, blue or green, some with contrasting decoration.
Script, ff. 1v-48v: Proto-gothic Textura.
Layout, ff. 1v-48v: Collation: i#^8+1# [first leaf, now with text, originally a blank endleaf ], ii–v#^8#, vi#^7# [of 8, viii cancelled at end], text complete; ruled in plummet, 32 lines, two columns, each column 155 mm. by 42 mm. with 8 mm. between columns. - Former Owner(s):
- Earls of Hopetown, at Hopetown House, West Lothian, Scotland, and by descent to John Hope 860-1908, seventh earl, succeeded in 1873, created marquess of Linlithgow in 1902, first Governor General of Australia); his sale, Sotheby’s, 25 February 1889, lot 499, to Ridler; George Dunn (1865-1912); his sale, Sotheby’s, 11 February 1913, lot 535,
to Maggs (their cat. 308, 1913, no. 76, and cat. 341, 1914, no. 235); Herschel V. Jones (1861-1928), of Minneapolis, MN; his sale, Anderson, New York, 29 January 1919, lot 1069a, to Martini, with his collation note; bought by C. L. Ricketts from Martini, cat. 15 (1919), no. 10a, and acquired by the Lilly Library with the Ricketts Collection in 1961.
- Associated Agent(s):
- Hugh of St. Victor
Master William the monk
- Note:
- Bibliography: De Ricci 1935, p. 646; Goy 1976, p. 216, no. 25; Alexander c. 2010, pp. 64-65.
f. 1r: Latin.
ff. 1v-48v: Latin.
ff. 45v-48v: Latin.
f. 1r: On the front flyleaf, fol. 1r, is an alphabet ‘a’-‘z’ with ‘&’, ‘÷’ and ‘amen’.
ff. 1v-45r: The extant copies are listed in Goy 1976, pp. 212-45. The manuscript opens on fol. 2r, (Stegmüller no. 3791; Migne, PL 176: 617), with the heading on fol. 1v, continuing with books II (fol. 10r), III (fol. 16r) and IV (fol. 25r), followed by the De arca Noe mystica as book V on fol. 34v, Primum in planitie . . . (Stegmüller no. 3792; Migne, PL 176: 663), all ending with explicit on...
Incipit, ff. 1v-45r: provocet, Sit dominus benedictus per cuncta seculorum secula, amen, Explicit.
Explicit, ff. 1v-45r: Cum sederem aliquando in conventu.
f. 45v: Migne, PL 186: 1052; reporting and refuting Arnolph, archdeacon of Seez, about Hugh's views on thehuman knowledge of Christ.
Explicit, f. 45v: Hughoni sancti victoris priori, G salutem, dominus arnulfus sagiensis.
f. 46r-v: d’Archéry 1723, III, p. 520, esp. I-II.
Explicit, f. 46r-v: Magistro Gulielmo . . . Dixisti quod.
f. 47r: d’Archéry 1723, III, p. 520, esp. I-II.
Explicit, f. 47r: Gualterus omnibus in fide catholica.
Incipit, f. 47r-48v: non esse creatorem aut eternum.
Explicit, f. 47r-48v: Cum genus humanum in utraque natura. - Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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