New York University, Item 4.04
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- DS ID:
- DS403
- Shelfmark:
- Item 4.04
- Title:
- Breviary
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- s. XV; 1400-1499
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Binding: Not bound.
Script, ff. 1-2v (but severely cropped): Gothic.
Music, ff. 1-2v (but severely cropped): 4 (?)-line staves with one line in red; notation in Hufnagel format. - Note:
- ff. 1-2v but severely cropped: The four segments of text (here arbitrarily designated as ff. 1 and 2, recto and verso): on f. 1, from a responsory for the dead: Credo quod redemptor meus vivit et in novissimo die de terra surrecturus sum, et in carne mea videbo Deum salvatorem meum. V. Quem visurus sum, ego ipse et non alius, et oculi mei conspecturi sunt. On f. 1v: Reading from Job 10:3-4...
Incipit, ff. 1-2v but severely cropped: <s>alutaris noster spes omium finium terre et in mari longe//.
Explicit, ff. 1-2v but severely cropped: //<de terra> surrecturus sum Et in carne. - Institutional Record:
- Holding Institution:
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