New York University, Fragment 018
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- DS ID:
- DS356
- Shelfmark:
- Fragment 018
- Title:
- Order for peaceable behavior
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- 1438, attributed; s. XV(2/4); 1425-1450
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Script, f. 1 recto; verso is blank: Anglicana.
- Former Owner(s):
- This collection of English binding fragments was given to NYU by Homer Lewis Bartlett (1858-1940), who graduated in 1884 from NYU with a degree in Science and Civil Engineering; he married Clarice Sherman Noble in 1892; they had five children;
by 1902, he was second vice-president of the Eastern District Savings Bank. De Ricci states that the collection (of 101 fragments with 70 others laid into the album) was given to NYU in 1884 (the same year in which Homer L. Bartlett graduated). - Note:
- Bibliography: De Ricci, p. 1346.
f. 1 recto; verso is blank: The "Henry" of this document is taken to be the same king, and during the same year, as a similarly phrased document printed and then placed online on the site for British History Online at:, with the designation 17 Henry VI (=1438). The present document, however, is missing the final...
Incipit, f. 1 recto: tunc ipsum Thomam prisone nostre de Neugate commitatis <in eadem salvo custo>diendum quousque hoc gratis facere voluerit. Et cum Securitatem illam sic ceperitis nos inde in Canc<ellariam nostram >//.
Explicit, f. 1 recto: Henricus dei gratia Rex Anglie et francie <?> vicecomitibus londonie salutem. Supplicavit nobis Iohannes de si<leaf torn> cum ipse de vita sua et mutilacione membrorum suorum per Thomam Wendrent graviter et manifeste comminatus existat.
Explicit, f. 1 recto: The sheriffs of London are ordered to compel Thomas Wendrent to find sureties for his peaceable behavior towards John Si<name cut off>, or be put in Newgate prison. - Institutional Record:
- Holding Institution:
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