The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, KG 35
- DS ID:
- DS295
- Shelfmark:
- KG 35
- Title:
- Ranulph Higden, Polychronicon Translation by John Trevisa
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- s. XV; 1400-1499
- Language:
- Middle English
- Material:
- paper
- Physical Description:
- Binding: Not bound.
Other decoration, One incunable leaf: Running headline (recto / verso) Liber septimus. Elements supplied in red ink: 2-line initial A, beginning of Capitulim Quartum, 9 Capitula, 2 citations underlined.
Layout, One incunable leaf: Text block 190 121 mm. 40 lines. Marginal finding aids include text dating: (recto) Anno gratiae Willelimus 1081, 1083; (verso) 1084, 1085, chapter designation for Capitulum Quartum. Marginal numeration: recto 18 and 10, verso 19 and 20. Verso: later marginal translation back into Latin (partially cropped) (C16-C17?).
Watermarks, One incunable leaf: Watermark: none. - Former Owner(s):
- Purchased from Richard Linenthal, London, 2014, from the Karen Gould Collection Fund.
- Note:
- Manuscript note: ISTC Number: ih00267000.
One incunable leaf: Latin paraphrase of English text at end of ca.3 on Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand) confessing on deathbed that he had made strife between the Emperor and other Christians; he undid bonds and died. Latin paraphrase of underlined English text at beginning of ca.4 on poisoning Hildebrand’s successor, Victor III (formerly Abbot Desidorius of Monte Cassino) was poisoned by venom...
Incipit, One incunable leaf: tyme bygan thordre of the chartrus in calabria in the bisshoprich.
Explicit, One incunable leaf: kynges loue ageyne soo that be followed the kynges wyll in his. - Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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