Jewish Theological Seminary of America, MS NH42
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- DS ID:
- DS16339
- Shelfmark:
- MS NH42
- Title:
- Alchemical fragments in Latin
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- 14--].
- Language:
- Latin
- Physical Description:
- Extent: 4 leaves ; 21 x 14.5 mounted on paper leaves 36 x 23.5 cm.
- Note:
- Ms. leaves.
Collation: Paper, ff. ii + 4 + ii.
Written in black ink; rubrics, paragraphs, and highlights of capitals in red ink.
Removed from bindings.
Accompanying materials: W.J. Wilson, [Description of ms.] (Washington D.C., March 1936). 3 leaves (in a separate envelope) - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- Holding Institution:
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