Jewish Theological Seminary of America, RB409:13-14
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- DS ID:
- DS16328
- Shelfmark:
- RB409:13-14
- Title:
- A letter to a friende, touching Mardochai his age; which helpeth much to holde the trueth, for that chiefe prophecie of our saluation, in Gabriels seuenties, which shew that most exactly 490. yeeres after the angels speech Christ the most holy should be killed to giue life. ...
- Author:
- Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612
- Place:
- London
- Date:
- 1590.
- Language:
- Eng
- Physical Description:
- Extent: 12 unnumbered pages ; 19 cm (4to).
- Note:
- Signatures: A4 B2.
Title page has ornamental border with pictures.
Former shelfmark: Eg - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- Holding Institution:
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