Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts Garrett no. 2199Y
- DS ID:
- DS16277
- Shelfmark:
- Islamic Manuscripts Garrett no. 2199Y
- Title:
- Rafʻ al-intiqāḍ wa-dafʻ al-iʻtirāḍ ʻalá qawlihim "al-aymān mabnīyah ʻalá al-alfāẓ lā ʻalá al-aghrāḍ" ... [etc.
- Date:
- Jumādá I, 1158-Rajab 1297 [June 1745-June/July 1880
- Language:
- Arabic
- Physical Description:
- Extent: 709 leaves : paper ; 232 x 164 mm
- Note:
- Ms. composite codex.
Tughra above title on text 30 (Risālah fī jawāz)
Collation: Paper ; catchwords ; texts are numbered with roman numeral, some titles are skipped ; foliation in pencil using Western numerals restarts at beginning of each title.
Layout: 25 lines per page.
Origin: [Rafʻ al-intiqāḍ] Shaʻbān 1279 -- [Iʻlām al-aʻlām] Muḥarram 1285 -- [Taḥbīr al-taḥrīr] Ramaḍān 1279 -- [Rafʻ al-ishtibāh] Muḥarram 1279? -- [Tanbīh al-raqūd] Shawwāl 1279 -- [al-Raḥīq al-makhtūm] Jumādá II, 1297 -- [al-Fawāʼid al-mukhaṣṣaṣah] Rajab 1297 -- [al-Ṣafwah al-Mahdīyah] Jumādá II, 1275 -- [al-Munāẓarāt al-mahdīyah] Muḥarram 1259 -- [al-Qawl al-azhar] Jumādá I, 1158...
Ownership signature: Manṣūr al-Manṣūrī al-Ḥanafī. - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
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