Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts Garrett no. 2028Y
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- DS ID:
- DS14555
- Shelfmark:
- Islamic Manuscripts Garrett no. 2028Y
- Title:
- Haza divan-ı Esat / هذا ديوان اسعد
- Author:
- Bağdatlı Esat, active 18th century / بغدادلى اسعد
- Language:
- Turkish in Arabic script
- Physical Description:
- Extent: 196] p. (13 lines), bound ; 21 cm.
- Note:
- Title from f. 2a.
A "Şarkı-yı Şakir" is on f. 98a.
Volume has 98 f. of glazed paper measuring 205 x 138 mm.; text area measures 155 x 96 mm. Text is on f. 2b-97a. Headings, overlinings of author's name in red; catchwords included. F. 1b, 98b are blank.
Binding is pasteboard covered in red leather with stamped gilded center medallions and borders.
Gift of Robert Garrett (Princeton Class of 1897), 1942.
Previously owned by: Kayserili Ömer Nefi̕ Efendi, 1262 [1845 or 1846] -- Inscriptions, f. 2a, 97b; Seyyid Mehmet [?], 17 RA [1]28-[between 1 sept. 1863 and 25 June 1872] --Inscription, f. 2a; Hüseyinefendizade Mehmet Refi, Kadi of Bagdad, purchased ms. from the eslate of Vefik Paşa (possibly Ahmet Vefik Paşa who died in 1891), 21 Eylūl 1309 [30 oct. 1893] -- Inscription, f. 1a.; Mehmet Reşat...
Acquired from Abraham Shalom Yahuda. - Keyword:
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