University of California, Berkeley, 4MS PK6540.A1.D4 1791
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- DS ID:
- DS12335
- Shelfmark:
- 4MS PK6540.A1.D4 1791
- Title:
- Kitāb-i gulistān ; Kitāb-i būstān ; Kitāb-i qaṣāyid ; Kitāb-i ṭayyibāt ; Kitāb-i Badāyiʻ ; Kitāb-i mukātabāt ; Fī al-rubāʻīyāt
- Author:
- Saʻdī
- Place:
- S.l
- Date:
- 8 Rabīʻ al-Ākhar 1206 [i.e. 1791 or 1792
- Language:
- Persian
- Physical Description:
- Extent: 266 leaves : paper ; 25 x 15 cm.
- Note:
- Ms. composite codex.
Binding: Lacquer cover; bird and floral motif.
Each work has separate illuminated t.p. Text within gold and black borders, rubricated in red. - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
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