Ohio State University, Spec.Rare.MS.MR.Frag.415
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- DS ID:
- DS11833
- Shelfmark:
- Spec.Rare.MS.MR.Frag.415
- Title:
- De finibus bonorum et malorum
- Author:
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Place:
- Italy (likely Veneto)
- Date:
- ca. 1450-1475
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- membrane
- Physical Description:
- Extent: fols. 10; membrane; 253 x 178 (158 x 104)
- Former Owner(s):
- Angelo Niccolini (d. 1567)
Payne and Foss
Sir Thomas Phillipps
Preston A. Perry
American Art Association
Anderson & Gall
Coella Londsay Ricketts (1859-1941)
Otto Ege
- Note:
- Layout: 1 column, 28 lines
Foliated in modern pencil at top right corner of each recto
Ruled in faint brown ink
Provenance: Angelo Niccolini († 1567), Archbishop of Pisa and Cardinal under Pope Pius IV, and owner of the Niccolini Library in Florence
Provenance: Payne and Foss (London), February 1830 catalogue, no IIII
Provenance: Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872)
Provenance: Sotheby's, 17 May 1897, lot 198
Provenance: Sotheby's, 25 July 1900, lot 1132
Provenance: Private collection of Preston A. Perry
Provenance: American Art Association auction at Anderson & Gall (New York, NY), 21 April 1908, lot 269
Provenance: Private collection of Coella Lindsay Ricketts (1859-1941)
Provenance: Otto F. Ege (Cleveland, OH); see Gwara HL143
Provenance: These folios sold, with others, at Sotheby's, 26 November 1985, lot 79
Likely produced in or near Venice as the manuscript's original binding was Venetian. However, the codex was in the Niccolini Library in Florence in the 16th century
Incipit: Fol. 415.66: iaculo traiecisset : negaret etiam esse in malum
Fol. 415.68: ac patientie : quarum presidio miret illud difficile
Fol. 415.72: officia quo spectare quid sequi quid fugere debeant
Fol. 415.73: qui virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes ad
Fol. 415.75: ...ciis : nec premiis demoveri possit ex eo quod rectam esse
Fol. 415.84: in patriis institutis manet Diodorum eius auditor
Fol. 415.91: ...dam cultricem esse que sit scientia atque ars agrico...
Fol. 415.98: hominum et quam quedam societas et comunicatio
Fol. 415.101: [Sto]ycis concedis ut virtus sola si adsit vitam efficiat
Fol. 415.103: mecum si tecum erit : Audi igitur inquit lucite
Explicit: Fol. 415.66: …tis is autem esset nisi nichil nisi animus liceat enim
Fol. 415.68: quod opus sapientie : Quid est quod ab ea absolvi
Fol. 415.72: …pelomon magister eius et tota illa gens et reliqui
Fol. 415.73: et natura rerum atque ipsa veritas clamat quodam
Fol. 415.75: Quip / pe qui primum valitudinem bonam expetenda
Fol. 415.84: igniculi et semina reperiuntur : Ex his tribus cum
Fol. 415.91: agno / scunt a quibus educantur : deinde equalibus de
Fol. 415.98: natura : Non perfecti autem homines et tamen
Fol. 415.101: Quid me istud negas inquam stoicos roga : Quid
Fol. 415.103: esse virtutis ut omnia si ex altera parte ponatur
Fol. 415.66: Bk. IV, ix-xi
Fol. 415.68: Bk. IV, xi-xiii
Fol. 415.72: Bk. IV, xvii-xviii
Fol. 415.73: Bk. IV, xviii-xix
Fol. 415.75: Bk. IV, xxi=xxiii
Fol. 415.84: Bk. V, v-vii
Fol. 415.91: Bk. V, xiv-xv
Fol. 415.98: Bk. V, xxiii-xxiv
Fol. 415.101: Bk. V, xxvi-xxviii
Fol. 415.103: Bk. V, xxviii-xxx - Keyword:
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