Search Results
- DS ID:
- DS16250
- Title:
- al-Isʻāf fī aḥkām al-awqāf
- Author:
- Ibrāhīm ibn Mūsá Ṭarābulusī
- Date:
- 1500-1599
- DS ID:
- DS16256
- Title:
- Arabic texts
- Date:
- 1500-1599
- DS ID:
- DS16258
- Title:
- Arabic texts
- Date:
- 1500-1599
- DS ID:
- DS16260
- Title:
- Arabic texts and Texts on Islamic law
- Date:
- 1500-1599
- DS ID:
- DS16273
- Title:
- Al-Ashbah wa-al-Nazair
- Author:
- Zayn al-Dīn ibn Ibrāhīm Ibn Nujaym
- Date:
- 16--?
- DS ID:
- DS16283
- Title:
- Multaqá al-abḥur
- Author:
- Ibrāhīm al-Ḥalabī
- Date:
- 1656
- DS ID:
- DS16325
- Title:
- Risālah fī al-jahr bi-al-dhikr wa-al-taghannī ... [etc
- Date:
- 1700-1899
- DS ID:
- DS16368
- Title:
- Prayers
- Date:
- 938 AH [1531 or 1532
- DS ID:
- DS16516
- Title:
- Journal de sainct voyage pour visiter le sainct sepulcre
- Author:
- Pierre Mésenge
- Place:
- Rouen and France
- Date:
- 1507-1525
- DS ID:
- DS16519
- Title:
- Commentary on Virgil
- Author:
- Domizio Calderini
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- 1500-1515