1. University of Pennsylvania, CAJS Rar Ms 126 Title: Shifāʼ fī taʻrīf ḥuqūq al-Muṣṭafá Author: Qadi Ayyad Date: A.H. 831 (1428)
2. Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 135H. Title: Maqāmāt al-Zamakhsharī Date: 16 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1145 April 30, 1733
4. Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 739H. Title: Shamāʼil Date: 1180 1766 or 1767
5. Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 740H. Title: Shamāʼil Date: 13 Ṣafar 678 July 2, 1279
6. Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 741H. Title: Ashraf al-wasāʼil ilá fahm al-Shamāʼil Date: 17th century?
7. Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 742H. Date: Rabīʻ al-Ūlá 1138 November/December 1725
8. Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1098H. Title: Islamic ethics Date: 16th century?
9. Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis O 87 Title: Three poems on piety Author: Yūsuf Rājū Qitāl Place: India
10. Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library, MS Or 372 Title: Vasiyyetname Author: Imam Birgivi Place: Turkey Date: 1726.