1. University of Oregon, MS 145 Title: Missal Author: Catholic Church Place: Italy Date: approximatelly 1100.
2. University of Oregon, MS 146 Title: Missal Author: Catholic Church Place: Germany Date: between 1101 and 1125.
3. Boston Public Library, MS f Med.95 Title: Homiliary and saints' lives : in Latin]. Author: Catholic Church Place: France Date: between 900 and 933?
4. Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 19 Title: In epistolam Johannis ad Parthos Author: Augustine of Hippo Place: France Date: 1185-1199
5. Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 20 Title: De quattuor virtutibus caritatis Author: Quodvultdeus Place: France Date: 1000-1099 and 1100-1199
6. Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 57 Title: Carmen in honorem beatae mariae virginis Place: Germany Date: 1200-1299
7. Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 136 Title: Carta pisana Author: Isidore of Seville Place: Pisa Date: 1090-1199
8. Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 137 Title: Sentences Author: Isidore of Seville Place: Spain Date: 1100-1199