Search Results
- DS ID:
- DS634
- Title:
- Crispi Sallustii de Catheline conjuracione liber ; Jugurtinum bellum eiusdem.
- Author:
- Sallust
- Place:
- Padua and Italy
- Date:
- [between 1455 and 1465?]
- DS ID:
- DS635
- Title:
- Alchemical texts
- Author:
- Georg Hayniger
- Place:
- Vienna
- Date:
- [circa 1476]
- DS ID:
- DS637
- Title:
- Philosophia mundi
- Author:
- William of Conches
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- [circa 1150]
- DS ID:
- DS643
- Title:
- Kitāb al-Manṣūrī
- Author:
- Abu Bakr al-Razi
- Date:
- between 1200 and 1225?
- DS ID:
- DS647
- Title:
- De proprietatibus rerum
- Author:
- Bartholomew Anglicus
- Date:
- 1200s.
- DS ID:
- DS659
- Title:
- Regulations
- Place:
- Rouen
- Date:
- 1518.
- DS ID:
- DS661
- Title:
- Passio sancti Blasii
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- [12--]
- DS ID:
- DS663
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- [14--]
- DS ID:
- DS665
- Title:
- Letter
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- [between 1350 and 1375?]
- DS ID:
- DS677
- Title:
- Circa instans
- Author:
- Matthaeus Platearius
- Place:
- Germany and Austria
- Date:
- [1400?]