Search Results
- Title:
- Tuḥfah-ʼi Shāhidī
- Author:
- Shahidi Ibrahim Dede
- Place:
- Turkey
- Title:
- Menahic ul-usûl üd-diniye ila mevakıf il-makasıd ıl-ayniye
- Author:
- Abdülbâkî Ârif Efendi
- Place:
- Turkey
- Title:
- Vaqfname-yi Ahmet Paşa
- Author:
- Hersekzade Ahmed Pasha
- Place:
- Turkey
- Title:
- Tārīkh-i Salānīkī
- Author:
- Mustafa Selaniki
- Place:
- Turkey
- Title:
- Tercüme-yi manzume-yi Gulistān
- Author:
- Saadi and Attar of Nishapur
- Place:
- Turkey
- Title:
- Gulshan-i ʻishq
- Author:
- Nusrati
- Place:
- India
- Title:
- Hindustani stories
- Place:
- India
- Title:
- Majmūʻah-ʼi Bhagat Māl
- Author:
- Nābhādāsa
- Place:
- India
- Title:
- Coptic texts
- Author:
- Coptic Orthodox Church
- Place:
- Egypt
- Title:
- Samaritan liturgy