1743. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 39 Title: Papal bull Author: Pius II Date: 1463?
1744. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 3 Title: Legal documents Author: Biccherna Date: 1244.
1745. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 40 Title: Deed Author: Nicolaccio de' Mignanellis Date: 1467.
1746. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 41 Title: Property lien Author: Abbadia San Salvatore Date: 1469.
1747. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 42 Title: Will Author: Taddea Salamon Date: 1469.
1748. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 43 Title: Agreement Author: Jacopo Piccolomini-Ammannati Date: 1470.
1749. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 44 Title: Deed Author: Giovanni di Fazio Piccolomini Date: 1470.
1750. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 45 Title: Deed Author: Francesco Bertini Date: 1477.