1711. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 122 Title: Papal bull Author: Adrian VI Date: 1522.
1712. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 123 Title: Papal bull Author: Clement VII Date: 1529.
1713. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 124 Title: Papal bull Author: Paul III Date: 1534.
1714. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 125 Title: Papal bull Author: Paul III Date: 1536.
1715. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 12 Title: Land contract Author: Matteo Piccolomini Date: 1322.
1716. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 13 Title: Legal documents Author: Franciscans Date: 1335.
1717. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 14 Title: Legal claim Author: Baldinus Ceccharini Date: 1337.
1718. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 15 Title: Assumption of guardianship Author: Nado de Tolomeo Date: 1349.
1719. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 16 Title: Giovanni Piccolomini guardianship agreement, Author: Giovanni Piccolomini Date: 1351.
1720. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Coll. 742 Folder 17 Title: Records Author: Carlo Blasii de Piccolomini Date: 1363.