Search Results
- Title:
- Pros mathēmatikous
- Author:
- Sextus Empiricus
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- [between 1430 and 1450]
- Title:
- Liturgy of Saint Basil
- Author:
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Place:
- Berat
- Date:
- [between 1040 and 1099]
- Title:
- Bible
- Date:
- 200-299
- Title:
- Deed of sale
- Date:
- 177
- Title:
- Tax receipt
- Date:
- 100-299
- Title:
- Bible
- Date:
- 300-499
- Title:
- Erotemata (grammar) : in Greek].
- Author:
- Dimitrios Chalkokondyles
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- ca. 1480
- Title:
- Menologium
- Author:
- John Chrysostom, Epiphanius of Salamis, Grigorios of Antioch, and Gregory of Nazianzus
- Place:
- Greece
- Date:
- 1000-1199
- Title:
- Psalter
- Place:
- Greece
- Date:
- 1200-1299
- Title:
- Menologium
- Author:
- Philagathus of Cerami
- Place:
- Southern Italy
- Title:
- Treatise on grammar
- Place:
- Istanbul
- Date:
- 1400-1450
- Title:
- Enarratio in prophetam Isaiam
- Author:
- Basil of Caesarea
- Place:
- Istanbul
- Date:
- 913-914
- Title:
- Psalter
- Place:
- Istanbul
- Date:
- 1100-1199
- Title:
- Greek or Coptic on papyrus
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Greek text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 1000-1500
- Title:
- Bible
- Date:
- 991 or 992
- Title:
- Liturgy of Saint Basil
- Author:
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Date:
- ca. 1300
- Title:
- Roman history
- Author:
- Cassius Dio
- Date:
- between 1535 and 1550
- Title:
- Works of Aristotle
- Author:
- Aristotle
- Date:
- 149-
- Title:
- Works and days
- Author:
- Hesiod
- Date:
- 1500-1525
- Title:
- Quaestiones
- Author:
- Theodoret
- Date:
- 1525-1575
- Title:
- Psalms
- Date:
- 950-1025
- Title:
- Triodion
- Author:
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Date:
- 1200-1250
- Title:
- Didaskaliai
- Author:
- Dorotheus of Gaza
- Date:
- 1175-1250
- Title:
- Sticherarion
- Author:
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Date:
- ca. 1300
- Title:
- Comedies
- Author:
- Leon Battista Alberti
- Date:
- between 1425 and 1450
- Title:
- Euchologion
- Author:
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Date:
- ca. 1264
- Title:
- Lectionary
- Date:
- ca. 1000
- Title:
- Bible
- Date:
- ca. 1300
- Title:
- Psalms
- Date:
- ca. 1105
- Title:
- Psalms
- Date:
- ca. 1275-ca. 1325
- Title:
- Lectionary
- Date:
- ca. 1000-ca. 1050
- Title:
- Orations
- Author:
- Gregory of Nazianzus
- Date:
- ca. 950-ca. 1025
- Title:
- Lectionary
- Date:
- ca. 1050-ca. 1100
- Title:
- Lectionary
- Date:
- ca. 950-1000
- Title:
- Lectionary
- Date:
- ca. 1050-ca. 1100
- Title:
- Biblical chronicle
- Author:
- Michael Glycas
- Date:
- ca. 1300-ca. 1350
- Title:
- Bible
- Date:
- ca. 1275-ca. 1325
- Title:
- Sticherarion
- Author:
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- Date:
- between 1425 and 1450
- Title:
- Stichoi peri zōōn idiotētos
- Author:
- Manuel Philes
- Date:
- 1565.
- Title:
- Bible
- Date:
- ca. 1000