Search Results
- Title:
- Bible commentary
- Author:
- Jerome
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 12th century.
- Title:
- De sacra religione
- Author:
- Bernardino of Siena
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between 1447 and 1459
- Title:
- Ars computistica
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- 1438.
- Title:
- De oratore
- Author:
- Cicero
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- 15th century
- Title:
- Paradoxa Stoicorum
- Author:
- Cicero
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- 1404 or earlier
- Title:
- De officiis
- Author:
- Cicero
- Place:
- Spain
- Date:
- ca. 1450
- Title:
- Tusculanae disputationes
- Author:
- Cicero
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between ca. 1450 and ca. 1500
- Title:
- Le roman de vrai amour
- Place:
- Paris
- Date:
- 1426 (or 1427).
- Title:
- Le roman de vrai amour
- Place:
- Paris
- Date:
- 1426 (or 1427).
- Title:
- De consolatione philosophiae
- Author:
- Boethius
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- 1425-1450
- Title:
- Satires
- Author:
- Juvenal
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- ca. 1475
- Title:
- Satires
- Author:
- Juvenal
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- ca. 1475
- Title:
- Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ
- Author:
- Nicholas Love
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- between 1410 and ca. 1499.
- Title:
- Naturalis historia
- Author:
- Pliny the Elder
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- 15th century
- Title:
- Rhetorica ad Herennium
- Author:
- Pseudo-Cicero
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- 14th and 15th centuries
- Title:
- Algorismus
- Author:
- Johannes de Sacrobosco
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- ca. 1438
- Title:
- Algorismus
- Author:
- Johannes de Sacrobosco
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- ca. 1438
- Title:
- Expositiones vocabulorum biblie
- Author:
- William Brito
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- between ca. 1300 and ca. 1325.
- Title:
- Antiphonary
- Place:
- Northern Italy
- Date:
- between ca. 1400 and ca. 1450.
- Title:
- Sermons
- Date:
- 13--
- Title:
- Hours of the Virgin
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- between ca. 1425 and ca. 1450
- Title:
- Hours of the Virgin
- Author:
- Catholic Church
- Date:
- ca. 1440-1470.
- Title:
- Hours of the Virgin
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- between ca. 1425 and ca. 1450
- Title:
- Book of hours
- Author:
- Catholic Church
- Date:
- ca. 1400
- Title:
- De oratore
- Author:
- Cicero
- Date:
- ca. 1301-1499
- Title:
- Book of hours
- Author:
- Catholic Church
- Date:
- 13--?].
- Title:
- Benedictional
- Author:
- Catholic Church
- Date:
- 13--
- Title:
- Ars minor
- Author:
- Aelius Donatus
- Date:
- 13--
- Title:
- Dialogus inter corpus et animam
- Date:
- 13--
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- between ca. 1250 and ca. 1300
- Title:
- Acts of the Martyrs
- Date:
- 11--
- Title:
- Manual
- Place:
- Belgium
- Date:
- between ca. 1400 and ca. 1500
- Title:
- Ordinal
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between ca. 1323 and ca. 1350
- Title:
- Tratado de la comunidad
- Date:
- 1400s?
- Title:
- Secretum Secretorum
- Date:
- 1300s?
- Title:
- Italian manuscript
- Date:
- ca. 1370-1530].
- Title:
- Italian manuscript
- Date:
- ca. 1370-1530].
- Title:
- Dialogues
- Author:
- Gregory I
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between ca. 1450 and ca. 1500
- Title:
- Quodlibeta
- Author:
- James of Viterbo
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- 14th century
- Title:
- Sermons
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- 15th century].
- Title:
- Life of Saint Bernard
- Place:
- Netherlands
- Date:
- 15th century].
- Title:
- Homiliary
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- ca. 1350
- Title:
- Bible commentary
- Author:
- Origen
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- ca. 1100
- Title:
- Parva institutio monastica
- Place:
- Erfurt
- Date:
- 1413?
- Title:
- Psalter
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- ca. 1400
- Title:
- Miscellany
- Place:
- Erfurt
- Date:
- 1437.
- Title:
- De patriarchis
- Author:
- Richard of Saint Victor
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- between ca. 1400 and ca. 1450
- Title:
- Sermons
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between ca. 1300 and ca. 1400
- Title:
- Sermons
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- between ca. 1450 and ca. 1500
- Title:
- Sermones de tempore et de sanctis
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- ca. 1400
- Title:
- Tractatus de confessione
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- ca. 1448-1450.
- Title:
- Pauline Epistles
- Date:
- ca. 1100-1135
- Title:
- Otia imperialia
- Author:
- Gervase of Tilbury
- Place:
- Southern France
- Date:
- between ca. 1275 and ca. 1325.
- Title:
- Bible
- Date:
- 13--?
- Title:
- Lives of the Saints
- Place:
- Belgium
- Date:
- 1275-1300
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- between ca. 1250 and ca. 1300
- Title:
- Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri IX
- Author:
- Valerius Maximus
- Place:
- Spain
- Date:
- late 14th century (before 1429).
- Title:
- Sentences
- Author:
- Innocent V
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- ca. 1250-1300
- Title:
- Coptic text
- Place:
- Egypt
- Date:
- 8--
- Title:
- Book of hours
- Author:
- Catholic Church
- Place:
- Florence
- Date:
- 1449.
- Title:
- Meditationes piissimae de cognitione humanae conditionis
- Author:
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between ca. 1300 and ca. 1500
- Title:
- Sermons
- Author:
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Place:
- Netherlands
- Date:
- between ca. 1450 and ca. 1499
- Title:
- Sermons
- Author:
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Place:
- Netherlands
- Date:
- between ca. 1450 and ca. 1499
- Title:
- Works of Dante
- Author:
- Dante Alighieri
- Date:
- ca. 1350-
- Title:
- Divine Comedy
- Author:
- Dante Alighieri
- Date:
- 13--?
- Title:
- Divine Comedy
- Author:
- Dante Alighieri
- Date:
- 13--?
- Title:
- Purgatorio
- Author:
- Dante Alighieri
- Date:
- ca. 1350.
- Title:
- Epistolae familiares
- Author:
- Petrarch
- Date:
- 1400s.
- Title:
- Il Canzoniere
- Author:
- Petrarch
- Date:
- circa 1450.
- Title:
- Secretum
- Author:
- Petrarch
- Date:
- circa 1450.
- Title:
- Life of Petrarch
- Date:
- 1400s.
- Title:
- De vera sapientia
- Author:
- Petrarch
- Date:
- circa 1440-1460.
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between 1030 and 1080.
- Title:
- Homilia evangelii
- Author:
- Bede
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between circa 1080 and 1140.
- Title:
- Acts of the Martyrs
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between circa 1080 and 1199.
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between circa 1100 and 1199.
- Title:
- Antiphonary
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between circa 1280 and 1299.
- Title:
- Antiphonary
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between circa 1330 and 1380.
- Title:
- Breviary
- Place:
- Flanders
- Date:
- between circa 1330 and 1380.
- Title:
- Breviary
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between circa 1280 and 1340.
- Title:
- Initial
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between circa 1300 and 1399.
- Title:
- Hymnal
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between circa 1300 and 1499.
- Title:
- Initial
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- between circa 1430 and 1480.
- Title:
- Initial
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between circa 1430 and 1480.
- Title:
- Initial
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between circa 1430 and 1480.
- Title:
- Document
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- between circa 1400 and 1499.
- Title:
- Psalter
- Place:
- Italy
- Date:
- between circa 1400 and 1499.
- Title:
- Initial
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- between circa 1400 and 1499.
- Title:
- Book of hours
- Place:
- France
- Date:
- 1400s.
- Title:
- Grandes chroniques de France
- Place:
- Paris
- Date:
- between 1350 and 1375.
- Title:
- Marriage contract
- Place:
- York
- Date:
- 1345.
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between circa 800 and 899.
- Title:
- Tractatus contra heresim Eutychetis
- Author:
- Catholic Church and Leo I
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between 800 and 899.
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between circa 800 and 899.
- Title:
- Lectionary
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- 800s.
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between circa 800 and 899.
- Title:
- Bible commentary
- Place:
- Germany
- Date:
- between 800 and 999.
- Title:
- Bible
- Place:
- Tours
- Date:
- between circa 1000 and 1099.
- Title:
- Missal
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between 1000 and 1099.
- Title:
- Patristic text
- Place:
- undetermined
- Date:
- between circa 1000 and 1099.